Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh! For Pete's Sake!

Seriously! What is the matter with me?! I can't seem to get this blog running to save my life... but then again, I have always had a problem with consistency in, well lets just say, a lot of areas. One week (or day) I've got everything under control and my "plan" is going perfectly. Then the next, I feel like I am barely treading water! I read so many blogs that have such gifted authors and think "I wish I could write like that or make people laugh like that". Maybe the problem really is that I want to be one of those amazing blogger moms that sews every day or at least close to it and then blogs about it but I just can't seem to get it together. So, that's my whine for the moment. And you know what? I feel a little better :)

I am currently almost through week 3 of the Insanity 60 day workout program, which I talked more about here. I am a tad frustrated though because even though I am DEFINITELY in much better shape than when I started, I have not had the weight just falling off. (As a disclaimer though, I should mention that I really am not following any sort of "diet" plan and do occassionally have some a pint of Ben and Jerry's or make a ginormous batch of cookie dough trying out a recipe of Dana's from Made...)

And now for some pictures...

"Big Baby" (and as a disclaimer she named it this before Toy Story 3 came out) riding a horse, and when she saw me taking the picture she placed the little grey horse in the foreground :)

Ky and Evie watching the tractor mow

she loves babies

she still will go in the baby swings so she can get underdogs

snuggling with Uncle Jake watching a movie

cousin Violet and Evie hanging out at Grandpa and Grandma's

D and my younger brother helping my parents with the wood splitting

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