Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter Sunday! Our church service helped to remind me why Jesus is so important in my life. Around 15 of us shared on a poster board around 6 words what this Jesus has done in our lives or means to me... I wrote "never gave up on me" on my poster board. Seeing all the other people and their reasons really made me emotional and brought to the surface a deep gratitude for how powerful Jesus' ability to change and shape lives is. There were people who are doing awesome things for Christ and the body who used to be drug addicts, convicts, abusers. I knew about Jesus growing up but it didn't seem like a reality because of how I saw some of the so called Christians living. I was a nice person, didn't try to do anything purposely hurtful to people. I enjoyed the college lifestyle and was having a lot of fun. But deep down, I could feel something was missing and no matter how much "fun" I had or how many people I got to like or even "love" me. Fast forward to 2002 when I met my future husband, then eventually we went to church with my sister (who had been working on me for a long time) and I was open to the message. God had been knocking on the door to my heart for a long time and that December I finally let Him in. It has been over 7 years now and I can honestly say that my life is soooo much better when I live my life God's way. Anyways, I am so very thankful that my God loved me so much even before I loved him back that Jesus came to die for my sins and in that he defeated death and was raised again on that first Easter Sunday!
Daddy didn't think about the backdrop for the pic... but she posed cute :)

Evie got to open her Easter basket before church this morning since we were going to a friends' for lunch and an egg hunt. She got some Melissa and Doug puzzles, raisins, a new itty bitty baby doll, a bath tub book, some spill proof bubbles, safety scissors (to which she said "my own scissors... not yours, mine" - she was pretty happy about them), Bible song cds, and a few other things. She didn't even mind that there wasn't any candy :)

Hunting eggs with her buddy Miciah. Every time she found one she said "I hind another one!"

and no, she didn't find the green egg in the bush... even with all our helping words... she peeked on the one side and said "no, there isn't an egg"
Miciah found it though!

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