Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fall Leaf Crown by EviesGrandma

So, we had been having a rough week with Evie before Halloween weekend. I don't know what the deal was, but she had hit some crazy, cranky, ornery stage and I was short on patience. Sooooo, my sweet mother took me up on coming to get her Saturday to stay overnight with them and we would come over Sunday after church and leave after she did her annual candy handing out (and when we went to get her I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures till I can steal them from my mom's camera). D had to work on Saturday and Grandpa and Grandma didn't get on the road with her till 6:30pm (ish) so we didn't have tons of time but we did get to go see a movie Life As We Know It (cute but don't forget there has to be a sad part for the guardians to need to take care of the child - just sayin'). Anyhow, while Evie was at Grandma's she made her this leaf "crown". She had made one for my niece Violet too and it started out as a necklace but then she ended up being happier making it into a headband type crown.
can you tell Evie was super excited to model it for me

supplied needed:
*faux leaves
*elastic cording (the kind used for jewelry type crafts - much thicker than elastic thread)
*big hand-sewing needle

Meeasure around your child's head, multiply by 2 (the added bulk of the leaves keeps it snug), then all you do is thread your elastic cording on your needle and sew on as many leaves as you like, then sew back through them all a second time and tie off the cord! Thats it!

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